วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2560

ชวนฟังเพลงวันหยุด: Bella ciao: International Version

Bella ciao

Una mattina mi son svegliato
o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao,
una mattina mi son svegliato
e ho trovato l'invasor.
O partigiano, portami via,
o bella ciao...
o partigiano, portami via
che mi sento di morir.
E se io muoio da partigiano
o bella ciao...
e se io muoio da partigiano
tu mi devi seppellir.
Mi seppellirai lassù in montagna,
o bella ciao...
mi seppellirai lassù in montagna
sotto l'ombra di un bel fior.
E la gente che passerà,
o bella ciao...
e la gente che passerà
dira "o che bel fior!"
E questo è il fiore del partigiano
o bella ciao...
morto per la libertà
e questo è il fiore del partigiano
morto per la libertà

"Bella ciao" was sung by the anti-fascist resistance movement active in Italy between 1943 and 1945.The author of the lyrics is unknown; the music and spirit of the song are based on a folk song sung by rice-weeders on the River Po basin in the early part of the 20th century – "Alla mattina appena alzata". A version of this song was recorded for music researchers by Italian folk singer Giovanna Daffini in 1962. Other similar versions of the antecedents of "Bella ciao" appeared over the years, indicating that "Alla mattina appena alzata" must have been composed in the latter half of the 19th century.The earliest written version is dated 1906 and comes from near VercelliPiedmont.

Goodbye, my Beautiful-->my LOve

One morning I woke up
goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye
one morning I woke up
and I found the invader (that means the German troups).
Oh partisan (I guess it's a litterary translation: partigiano means Italian fighter of the Resistenza) take me away
goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye
oh partisan take me away
that I'm feeling like dieing
And if I die as partisan
goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye
and if I die as partisan
you must bury me
You will bury me over there, on the mountain
goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye
you will bury me over there on the mountain
under the shadow of a wonderful flower
And all the people passing by
goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye
and all the people passing by
will say "what a wonderful flower!"
Ad this is the flower of the partisan
goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye my Beautiful, goodbye
dead for our freedom
and this is the flower of the partisan
dead for our freedom

Bella Ciao - ORIGINALE

Bella ciao, Iran

Bella ciao - Greece

Bella ciao - traduction française

Bella Ciao - Italian Partisan Song



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